• Location

  • Life Stage

    Woman, Men
  • Type

  • Childcare Provided?

  • Date/Time

    Wednesday at
  • Recurrence

  • Facilitator

    Lea & Chauncey Steed
  • Contact

    Contact Group Facilitator

This is not a Life Group about the weather; it is about our lives. We all encounter life's "storms" - those challenging seasons that test our resolve and faith. But as believers, we have access to divine strength and wisdom that can turn these trials into triumphs. In the Bible, Jonah, the Disciples, and Paul all faced storms at sea. The storms came for several reasons, and deliverance came in diverse ways.

Most importantly, they overcame their storms and reached the other side. Join our life group, where we explore the profound principles and strategies God has provided to endure and thrive during life's storms. Whatever gets thrown your way, victory is still the intended end. Because of Jesus, victory is already in us. This LG is more than a study group; it is a community where we support each other, grow in faith, and learn to navigate life's storms confidently and gracefully.